So I started this blog about 10 months ago, just wanting a place to get somethings out, not telling anyone about it, and not expecting anyone to read it. After one post I pretty much forgot about it. Well today I was pondering the idea of starting a blog to include people on my journey, share what God is speaking to me, and share updates about the possibility of going to BSSM. So I remembered that I started this blog last year and smiled when I saw the title and my first post. Wow trying to bring Him into focus and my first post crying out to God wanting to show me who I am, and what He is doing in me. I have been blown away by how God has rocked my life the past 6 months. Last spring I didn't know who I was, or how in the world He could use me. The one event that changed everything was during a Tuesday night class, when my friend Jodi, spoke over me and said God was going to use me. My whole life up until that point I have always been a bench warmer, a JV player, never picked first. I never truly believed God could ever use me, but then everything shifted, God was calling me out. He was saying "JoAnna get out there, I want YOU to go score a goal, I want you to run this race. By my strength in you I know you can do it" 2 Cor 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." has been my verse, but I think I just hoped it would be true for me, but at this point I KNOW it is true. God has set my heart on fire for Him!!! It is such a real fire not started at a conference or camp, but in a realization of truth. God can use me, and HE HAS!!! Best of all He has used me in my weaknesses, which helps me keep my eyes off of me and on completely on Him.
So there was just a small bit of where I am now, I hope in some way you are blessed by this blog, and that maybe you can see a little bit more of who I am. Please forgive me, writing was never my strong point, and I have always struggled with spelling, so please bear with me.
God, I dedicate this blog to you. Let my words be yours, help me give people a glimpse of who I am and what you are doing in, and through me. amen.
Hi Joanna! How brave of you! You are stepping out- no longer content to sit quietly but ready to get in on the action!! YAY for you! I am so proud of you and so excited to watch and be a cheerleader for you!! YOU GO GIRL!!
WAAAAHHHH!!!!! You're so amazing JoAnna. I absolutely love how you say that it is a "real fire" based on the realization of TRUTH! I love that He is showing you so powerfully who you are in Him! We really are nothing but filthy rags at the foot of the cross, 'til Jesus steps INTO us and then WATCH OUT HEAVEN CUZ HERE WE COME!! :)